
Welcome to the Reception Class page. 

In Reception we focus on developing the children’s resilience, curiosity and especially their vocabulary. In phonics we build upon what they have learnt in Nursery by developing their blending and segmenting skills and further recognition of sounds. In maths there is big focus on children recognising the number bonds to ten.  

Our morning starts with Dough Disco, where children practise being physically ready to use their fingers. The children then partake in phonics lessons followed by Literacy, which ranges from adult led and child led in the provision, for example;  mark making and writing, number games, shape and colour, sand and water games, play dough, painting, model making, computers, small world play, construction, mud kitchen and gardening. Before lunch, children enjoy Squiggles whilst you Wiggle and word of the day. Healthy snacks and milk/water are available during the day.

Lunch is served in the hall and then the children play games outside in the same environment with their peers so their learning continues.

In the afternoon, adults lead maths before working in small groups developing specific mathematical skills such as number bonds, counting and subitising.

Group and individual reading takes place throughout the day and the children enjoy a short story before a home time.

On a Wednesday afternoon, the class all go to Forest School where they get to explore the outdoor environment, make dens, look for minibeasts and roll down the hills.

On a Friday afternoon, the children have PE with Kickstart in the hall or outside, where we focus on physical development making sure children are physically ready for Reception.


Reception Learning Overview