Safeguarding & Child Protection
The safety and well-being of the children here at Barton Moss is our first priority. This is called safeguarding.
It means creating an environment in which children and young people feel safe, healthy and thrive. It also means protecting children and young people them from abuse or neglect and getting the right support in place as early as possible.
At Barton Moss keeping children safe is everybody’s responsibility. Therefore we all have a professional responsibility to notice when a child or young person may be at risk and pass our concerns to someone who can act to protect them. We adhere to strict safeguarding procedures to protect the welfare of all the children in school. We meet all legal safeguarding duties and fully comply with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ statutory guidance.
Family Support
We know that working with families, together in partnership, is the best way to keep children safe and learning. If you have any queries or concerns about your child, please would you speak to your child’s teacher in the first instance. If you remain unsatisfied with the response, please phone school to make an appointment to speak to the head teacher. If you would like to talk to one of the designated Safeguarding leads about something you are worried about (big or small) please telephone school 0161 921 1840 and make an appointment to come into school for a chat.
Please follow the link below to view our schools safeguarding and child protection policy:
BM__Safeguarding_Children_policy_24Gov.pdf with links to other safeguarding policies within.
If parents have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of their child, they should contact:
Mrs Woolley (Safeguarding Lead) or Mr Lee Handley (Deputy Safeguarding Lead)