Year Four

Welcome to the Year 4 class page.

Mrs Morgan and Miss Farmah are the Year 4 class teachers.

We are thrilled to have all the children back ready for an exciting year. We are a friendly and positive class where children are encouraged to be resilient and independent, whilst aiming to become the best they can be. I feel it is important that the children enjoy their learning, as this helps them to remember more. Our curriculum is creative and engaging with plenty of opportunities for children to express themselves in different ways.

The curriculum in Year 4 expands on what has been learnt in Year 3 and offers new challenges for the children. In English, children will continue their journey to becoming fluent readers and writers through reading and appreciating a wide range of different texts. In maths, children will increase their number fluency with basic skills sessions, and have daily White Rose lessons on a number of different topics. Our foundation subjects will extend learning from KS1 and Year 3, and give children opportunities to practice and learn new skills.

Reading is a huge passion of mine and I hope our learning in Year 4 helps to encourage the children to find a love for reading too- whether that be stories, information books, poems, comics or online. Our class library will feature a wide range of texts for your child to read and will be regularly updated with new books. Regular reading at home will certainly help your child to succeed.

Class Routines

 On a Monday morning we start with ‘Check in’ to give the children chance to settle into the school week and share their thoughts. We end on a Friday with ‘Check out’ to share successes and have time to talk about things that might have happened during the week.

Every day begins with spelling- these spellings can be practiced on Spelling Shed throughout the week

Reading fluency or comprehension follows spelling, then it is onto our writing/grammar lesson

 After playtime it is maths basic skills, and then our White Rose maths lesson.

Afternoons are a variety of different subjects: science, PE, RE, French, PSHE, art, DT, computing history and geography,

PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Children should be in full PE kit on those days.

Going the Extra Mile for Success

All home support is hugely appreciated and makes a positive impact on your child's learning. Please support your child by ensuring they read at least 5 times a week and bring their diaries/books into school daily. Knowing their timestables is an essential skill to access the maths curriculum and in Year 4, we are aiming for all children to be able to recall their tables to 12 by the time they go up into Year 5. Supporting your child to learn their tables will be an enormous help to them as they go through KS2.

Homework is set on Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars- if you prefer paper copies, please let me know.

We are running the 'Walk to School' scheme, children receive badges for taking part and increasing their fitness. If you have any questions, please contact me via Class Dojo.

Look out for posts on Twitter/Dojo showing off our amazing learning.
